Monday 3 December 2012

The Labarynth

There's a Labarynth on Cissbury Down
One that the Fae dance round & round
Two straight paths to make the trunk
Mowed out of grass the walk ways sunk

I'd asked the Guardians to give to me
A sign of something for us to see
We ambled off the beaten way
Through the brambles and wet hay

Then suddenly I thought I saw
Lots of circles on the lawn
Is it?... Was it?... Could it be?
The sign I'd asked be shown to me?

It was!...It is!... I'm a lucky gal!
To find that tree of old Tintagel.

Up the trunk we did walk
Quietly thinking, not to talk
Of all the things that are to go
To be cast out into the ebb and flow

Once in the middle we sat down
In the centre on that Hallowed ground
A drink of water and a cup of tea
For my little dog Alfie and for me
Not forgetting Our Goddess Dear
Who has been with us all through the year
Then I spied some red fungus
That the Fae did show to us

Time to go now outward bound
The dog thought I was mad
Going round and round
Thinking of what I'd like drawn to me
Love and Light, I'll wait patiently

And now a sacred space has been found For Winter Solstice to be danced around
Mowed by the farmers on the lawn
I can not wait for Solstice Morn!

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