Sunday 16 December 2012

Into the Belly of The Mother

I crawl in to take cover
Within the womb of The Mother

Deep within Her folds and creases
I scrabble along the floor cross broken pieces

Into The Mother I crawl below
Carrying my colours as I do go

The Shaman's journey I will undertake
Offerings I go to make

Deep into The Mother I do go
Down and down and down below

Into Her womb I descend
Into a great big cavern at the very far end

I open my pouche upon the ground
Light a torch with to look around

Others came before me to this place
Painted with Spirit - a hand, a horse, a face

I snuff my torch out now it's dark
Spirit will guide me to make my mark

I pick a place upon the wall
Position myself and start to call

Starting to sing,keen, move into trance
Feeling Her heartbeat , feeling Her dance

Visions in darkness appear in my head
I spit on my colours, mix with finger
Paint the sun ochre red

Then my spirit is taken away
And with my colours I start to play

I spit, I dab, use a twig and leaf
Paint the hunt and the hunted
Stars up above
The cavern deep beneath

At last The Breath doth leaveth me
I light another torch with which to see

Now there are stories left forever for you to find
To wonder about early man and what was in our minds.


  1. beautiful. truly incredible. the bard has emerged and you've only just begun...
