Tuesday 27 November 2012

Pisces Is Born

My story today is of Pisces the fish. It is a story of lovers and of their very last wish.

Our heroin is Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. The fairest and most beautiful of the Goddesses above.

It was Zews the top God on Mount Olympus up high. He decided Aphrodite was tempestuous and should remain dry.

She was married to Hepaestus, a dour sour kind of god. He who made metal, born a cripple and walked with a plod.

Aphrodite was not enamoured by this god soo un fair. Her eyes spied upon Ares and love was in the air.

Now Ares was most beautiful and the God of the War. His mind quick and witty, he was defiantly not a bore!

He piqued our heroin's interest so much so she did bare, her bountiful breasts and drew him into her lair.

Our god Ares, well he could not resist. He tried and he tried but he could not desist. Very soon our pair of lovers entered upon a lustful lovers tryst.

Now Hephaestus, he grew suspicious and did get in his head a feeling that he would catch them very soon in his bed!

He somehow got himself a magical net. Proof of the poison he would very soon get!

He invited all on Olympus to witness this affair of this God of war and his wife with the golden hair.

The net was slung high and put into place. He could not wait to see the look of shame on her face. All on Olympus would see their embarrassment and fall from grace.

Sure enough soon the lovers went to his bed. They were caught in the act and hauled up in the net.

And everyone saw it, not rumour, now true fact. Everyone knew that she had broken her marriage pact.

Poseidon acted as judge and managed to get from the pair, their promise of a tithe instead of their death to make things even and square.

But the couple escaped to flee far over the skies. They fled, they did go. They did start to fly.

Not wanting to look stupid Poseidon drew up His might. He blew up a typhoon a great storm with which to fight.

A great funnell of water stretched from the sea to the sky. Across the Mediterranean, over African mountains, stirring the sands as He did fly. Soon the Earth started to rumble shake. The wrath of the gods caused a massive earthquake.

Our couple could not escape Him for long. They took to terrible fright. There was nothing left to do but to look out to the stars of night.

"I wonder" said Ares " if we were to fly, up into the heavens, into very deep skies. Do you see all those stars in the heavens above? If we can dive into them we could remain tied and in love!"

The couple looked down at the raging sea and sky. It was decided in an instant that they would then fly high.

Off into the deep folds of the night they did go. They dove into the darkness. Into the dark night's murky flow. But twinkle in the heavens they will ever now glow.

And now they do spend their time up in heaven and in space. One flew to Cyprus, the other to the Isle of Thrace.

As the sun moves through to Pisces those two little fish, they remain tied to each other as was their very last wish.

So when you look up into the night skies above. When you see Pisces the fish, the sign of true love. Remember our Aphrodite and her lover Ares most fair. Of that dangerous liaison and adulterous affair.

Copywrite sarah Tilsley

My first bardic story as a lesson for the OBOD Bardic Grade


  1. oh so very cute and quite original I must say. This is a tale of those Gods behaving with each other in completely non-traditional ways. Demonstrates Bardic growth and imagination for sure. Was Pisces really a symbol of tying lovers together before the christians stole it for Jesus? However the funniest part is your mispelling of heroine. You spelled heroin, the drug. ROFLMAO.... hee hee hee hee

  2. btw there is nothing wrong with a bit of pink fluff... I prefer red or purple and always black bwah ha ha ha

    1. Yes original story. Lol typical of my spelling lol. Thank you x c
