Sunday, 6 October 2013

Dragons Dear

Trailblazers scorch across the skies
The silent screeching as dragons fly

Wings of jet cutting through the night
Flames and thunder accompany great flights

Talons flexed and grasping through air
Searching for it's mate with which it will pair

Slitted eyes the colour of a cool/ hot fire
Searching through mists to take dragons higher 

Night and day pass into time below
It ceases to matter as dragons do go 

Searching, hunting, sensing, finding
Not to eat, but to renew a binding

For dragons pair for everlasting love
Fiercely, yet gently as the little white dove

And these solitary creatures when they do meet 
Cause a great firework show & execeptional heat! 

Silkily & slithering they make dragon's dance
Swirling and sparkling scales shimmer and prance

Crooning only with a language that it's mate can hear
Forked tongue licking and flicking whenever other draws near 

A fountain of sparks erupt through the flames 
As Dragons dear play their sensual games

As he opens her door she croons her delight
Her core blazes brighter as he holds her in his might

Teeth a snapping & claws clamping round
They crash this way and that-thunder starts to pound

He holds her tight by her spines on her head
Held fast by her lover she submits and goes where she is led

Being meek and submissive is not a dragon's forte 
But for this one special lover she will meekly obey

They follow their lover for all eternity across skies
Whenever silent call graces ears they will renew all their ties

And when the dragon 's dance has become well spent 
Both return to their lairs to smoulder and vent

For dragons need not be kept on a tether 
And they know that their love  and lives will last forever 

Inspired by my very own dragon dear 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

The fish

Pisces swimming up and down
Pisces swimming round and round
Pisces swimming this way and that
Pisces not knowing where she is at
Tied together tail to face
Frantically swimming in this race
Where she is at nobody knows
Flipping flapping as she goes
Bendable and mutable 
She swims against the tide
She looks for something
With which hitch a ride 
Flowing with and against the flow
With each little splash 
She learns and grows
To calmer waters 
She does aim
To shelter in the lagoon 
From this tiring game

Thursday, 5 September 2013


I send a frond of ivy
Across space and time to you
I tell it very clearly
What it is to do
Bind us both together
To make a lovers tryst 
Creeping, crawling slowly
Deliciously winding round our wrists
Connecting to each other
Gently yet so strong
Enduring all elements
Holding together for ever long
Binding not constricting
Still with room to grow
So we may always enjoy
Each other's rosy glow

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Autumn is on its way today
It's misty murky round our way
A coolness of the morning air
A cool breeze whipping up my hair
Trees looking tired exhausted by the heat
Soon leaves 'll be crackling under my feet
Bonfires give flavour to this time of year
My favourite feast of Modron is almost here

Monday, 26 August 2013


As the element of air opens up to me,
What do I hear and what do I see?
Communication from other worlds
Inspiration puts into these words
Air it follows water
As it's sucked up by the sun
Air it feeds the fire
As it hops skips and runs 
Air is fed out from the earth
Breathed out from trees and plants
Giving life to almost everything
So that we learn to dance
It carries music upon the winds 
It quietly whispers as it sings 
Can be caressing, whistling your name
Or screeching as it's fanned with fury by the flames
Interacts with other elements
None can do without
They each need the other 
Think what they are about 
To your peril do you not learn
What the air can give to thee
Think on it for a while 
And you will learn to see

Monday, 19 August 2013

Round pegs and square holes

A round peg trying to fit into a square hole -  that's me.
Causing friction and creating a jam, trying to live two lives  - that's me.
Changeable and mutable, that's what they say - is that me? 
Tiring of the constraints - that's me
Fed up of feeling my wings clipped - that's me
Decision's made - time to get back to me

That's me

Sunday, 18 August 2013


Sleep evades me yet again
So I get up 
To grab paper and  pen

Minds a whirling
What shall I write
So that I might
Sleep tonight

Going to bed early
The body is tricked
Thinking it's first light
After only four hours  of night

One, two, three and four
Back to bed for dreams galore 

Weary in the morning
Feeling like come down
I drag myself off
To walk the hound. 

Saturday, 17 August 2013


Symbol etched upon the arm
Weaving in it's sacred charm
Instantly opening up the eyes
Heart and body
Soul again flies
Awen rushing through bardic mind
Spinning and weaving 
For it's student yet to find

Sunday, 11 August 2013

The ravyn's call I know it well
I can not venture from it's potent spell

Speaking to me, beguiling me
Holding me within his glare
Those meaningful eyes
That spellbinding stare

Makes me smile, blush and coo
Like a dove
With eloquent words
And visions of love

I feel him as the dragon
I see him as the hawk
The teacher is the ravyn
Listen for his squawk 

The ravyn's call
I hold so dear
I can do nothing but answer
When I do hear

Capturing my heart
Working deep into my mind
Who knows what hidden gems 
The ravyn's call will find 


Thursday, 8 August 2013

Whirling With Dervishes

Round and round and round I go
A hand pointing up
The other below

Red hat on
White skirts swirling out
Ecstatic trance is what it's about

Magic and mystery I do seek to find 
To open my heart 
And to empty the mind

The Sufi's way 
Seeks a oneness with God
In the ways of
the Near East
Realising the Yod

To see in Him as He sees in me 
This esoteric path of Persia
Can be wild and free

Maladies of the heart
We seek to make pure
Fasting and alms giving 
With prayres galore 

The Maraquaba will purify the heart
And cleanse the mind
So next time u need to feel God's breath
Spin with me and look to find

For the Durvishe's ways
Inshallah- God Willing
Will help you to see
The Oneness of you
And the Oneness of me 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Visions of nasties 
Danced round in his head
I somehow knew
That I would find him dead

Always expected
Hoping he had not
Conversations of cuttings
And the burnings so hot

I was unable to understand
"The releasing of my pain" 
Yet I always knew 
That it would be his end. 

Glad that he's at peace now
Sorry that I am not
Trying only to remember
The good times
Not the rot

Every time I think i've moved on
Something pulls me back 
It's like being in a chamber
It's like  being on the rack 

Missing, berating, chiding
Going over every thing
I should have known
Paid more attention
Taken that rope thing

Trying not to think
Of the voices
You drank to drown them out 
That look of pain and misery 
What was it all about

Life's lesson's can be daunting
Playing heavy upon my heart
When something tears you both so fully
That you will ever be apart. 

But I know that you are well now
Because you come at night to show
That you have mended fully
And your spirit now can grow

I am glad to see you happy
And I truly try to share
I know that you are around me 
As I feel you on the air

I was so very glad to meet you
It was so fleeting yet so strong
And I forever love you
Because love holds on and on

For ny darling Neil, ten years today 11/02
1971 - 2003

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Crop Circling

Crop Circles are abundant in Wiltshire
no more
The farmers are annoyed
And have cut out two more

Last year seventeen 
This year only seven
Only one you can go into
It felt like pure heaven

We climbed up the tram line
Like good Circlers do
Through the soft barley
Up the hill next to Silbury
What a view!

Into the circle
Cool air round our feet
It was soft and frondy this barley
What a treat!

We lay in the middle
And walked all around
Did some tai chi
And studied the ground

Different parts of the circle
Felt very different indeed
And one of our group
Her walking stick
She did no longer need!

Corn dollies in our bag
And home we did go
Thanking the Et's
For a beautiful show

Written after visiting the Silbury Hill formation July 2013

Friday, 24 May 2013


Duir - the oak of the druids
Majestic and tall
Soothes my worries away
They are mutable and fluid 
Each one and all

Duir -  the oak of the druids
There is a place I go
Where the oak trees grow
Green, silver and brown
Standing in a  long row

Duir -  the oak of the druids
The cars lose their whine
As I start to unwind
Standing on soft ground
With the Duir all around

Duir - the oak of the druids
Wisdom and peace
My headache is released 
Thank you dear trees
For putting me at my ease

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Embracing the weeds

If u can't weed them,
You had better join them.
That's the conclusion
I have now drawn
For at my new house,
There is no lawn
But a concrete mish-mash
With gravel and slate
The likes of which I do hate
Still, with my pots,
I have a garden fair
But the weeds get carried in on the air
So embrace them,
I must do so with fun
Dandelions, Chickweed,
And Roberto Geranium

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Cruel to be kind

Today I went and kick a tree
That is not normally like me.

It snowed all white and a N Easterly blew
The wind bored through me
And it blew and blew

The snow and ice swirled about
In the daytime not the night

Frozen water falling from the sky
That drifts around you and stings your eye

However as much as I loathe it I like it
It's pretty it's different it's a challenge as well

But it's cruel to my plants all that weight on their limbs
Snaps them and breaks them my poor little things

So out I did go with bamboo stick in hand
To shake and to bash the plants where they stand

Then I remembered I had to leave
And for that bamboo hedge I do now grieve

For that plant was my Yin
Healed my heart and my soul
Fed me within

Now who will guard my old Bamboo hedge so strong
I can only hope the new owners will let him live on

Inspired by today's blizzard and my recent house move.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The Bride of Dawn

To some she is called Bridgett
To others she is Bride

This Maiden of Imbolk
Goddess of the fire side

A poet to the Bards
Inspiration of spring's dawn

Helping the little lambs
Which are starting to be born

Lighting the world as she turns
Bringing the water that plants yearn

Healing hurts and stopping pain
Plants reaching up through driving rain

Our faith was held so strong
That when the Christians came along

They could not snuff you out
So Mary's midwife now you're about

So now we hold you dear
At this the morning of the year

Help us weather this storm of pain
And fill our stores with golden grain

Flowers and dolls are made
Crosses of straw protection gave

Candles taken to well
We ask you Bride to bless our spell

By Sarah, a Bard of the Order