Sunday, 10 March 2013

Cruel to be kind

Today I went and kick a tree
That is not normally like me.

It snowed all white and a N Easterly blew
The wind bored through me
And it blew and blew

The snow and ice swirled about
In the daytime not the night

Frozen water falling from the sky
That drifts around you and stings your eye

However as much as I loathe it I like it
It's pretty it's different it's a challenge as well

But it's cruel to my plants all that weight on their limbs
Snaps them and breaks them my poor little things

So out I did go with bamboo stick in hand
To shake and to bash the plants where they stand

Then I remembered I had to leave
And for that bamboo hedge I do now grieve

For that plant was my Yin
Healed my heart and my soul
Fed me within

Now who will guard my old Bamboo hedge so strong
I can only hope the new owners will let him live on

Inspired by today's blizzard and my recent house move.