Sunday, 30 September 2012


Toning down the garden to make the most of autumn acre colour today. Going a bit minimalist. I am a container gardener. I only rent my property and my plants are my babies and I take my garden with me wherever I go. Therefore I am continually zenning out whilst plant shuffling to make the most if colour and foliage.

I do have a sub tropical corridor to the garden though now.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Thinking of Barrows

Barrows, dowsing, portals, leylines and Qi are on my mind as my visit to Wiltshire draws nearer.

These were built along Dragon lines or leylines - sort of Qi rivers if you like. The tombs were built on geospirals which have lost their Qi and been forgotten.

I plan to dowse, assess the energy, feel the energy - since I am sensative to Qi being a reiki master. Then I plan to experiment and do tai Qi and reiki at the tomb to cleanse the stale Qi out and re-assess the place again. Then dowse to see if we can breathe life back into a portal again. Interesting .....

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Dollydog or Dollybird

I have always detested dressed up doggys but in a bid not to turn on the heating too soon I have got my dog a knitted top and asked a friend if she'd be able to make another. My other friend said dogs dont need coats, but I think they are living in the warm with us and they feel just as chill when the cold air hits them too, just as we do, Battersea put them on short haired doggys so mine is having a winter wooly.
So have i really become a Dollybird or am I being practical? We already had the outdoor coats. We gonna put on extra clothes this year.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Battersea Dogs Home

I can't watch that program without crying. Those doggies are cared for well. That's where my Alfie dog came from. I didn't get him directly from there he had been dumped on one of my gardening customers. This guy had got him from the home then moved out to Oz. there are Soo many of these staffy dogs and after rescuing 2 now I can see why. High Adrenalin argumentative dogs some of them can be if not socialised. I'll be too old to run after another one.

The first dog I had was Bugsie a moody old white cross staff who hated other animals. He was an overweight 12 year old when we got him and we had him until he was 18. Bless him. 3 good walks a day and a cooked dinner, that's what a dog needs.

Then 2 years later Alfie the naughty little city dog. No manners and lousy with livestock. Can't be let of the lead cox he fights and chases squirrels. Our wknd away in Wiltshire is gonna be interesting this year!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

A Dull Sunday

The rain is pounding down today
So I will not go out to play
We ran this morning
Whilst you lot were still yawning
Along the beach
did our legs reach
along the sand
My dog firmly in hand
So he will not go
to annoy another dog so.

(Mainly the reason that I run the dog is because he came from battersea Dog's Home and  has no manners.He desperatly wants to meet other dogs but when they tell him off he attacks themso no letting off the lead for Alfie. Running helps me control him as we pass other animals and gives us both the excercise we need.)

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Poetry in motion

I have found myself 'rhyming' my way through the day. Oddly enough it has been since I decided to join the OBOD at the Bardic level. I find myself making up little ditties on my first dog walk and throughout the day. Here is this mornings little offering:

A Modron fire we had last night
We sat in the rain
Whilst it stayed alight
Reciting poetry,
singing and doing tai chi
Just Jo, her little son and me
A lovely time was had by all
And when we had awoken
It really felt like Fall

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

A nice surprise

My best friend Jo asked me to accompany her to our favourite spot in Wiltshire named Avebury. We go each year to hang out by the Henge and wander round the land of the Ancents. The land has a mystical feel. I woke up very excited. I just can't wait to go for our first wild run along the stone avenue to the Henge itself.

Only 5 weeks to go .... Can't come soon enough!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Seasons of Change

I work at 4:30 to an email from my darling friend Lorraine, the druid in the desert, only to then be wide awake so I got up at 5 o'clock and paid homage to Venus and stumbled downstairs into the bamboo grove to do my Qi Gong work out. Then off out for a run along the beach I could see the cloud rolling in and around the back of the Downs, Cissbury ring. Then home for my yoga workout. I feel fully revitalised and ready for the week ahead. And then the misty rain came in and all my chores are done so this Druid is feeling a bit smug this morning.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Get an identity

Once you start running you're a runner. Having a sense of identity can be incredibly powerful. It's great to have something to define you outside of your work and family life.